Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Here begins our new week in my Photo-a-day project:)

Tuesday, July 13th- BAKING OVERLOAD!!! Mom had a big cake order to fill for the church. 300+ servings. And everyone wonders why we don't like cake???

Wednesday, July 14th- I'm dannnnngerrrouussssssss! I took this picture while driving home from church that night. It's the moon, and a really bright star. Which, is probably a planet? I don't know, but it looks really pretty :)

(Once again, I forgot to take a picture on Thursday. There's an extra for Friday to make up :) )

Friday, July 16th-Donna's 40! We went out to Houlihans for dinner with Donna and a bunch of friends. Earlier that day one of our friends came into Party City where I work and bought the hat and a necklace for her to wear. And we gave her moms gigantic "40" pin to wear :)

Same night at Houlihans. Mom and Deb thought this would be a funny picture. When dad asked what we were doing that night, she jokingly told him they were going to a mens strip club for Donna's birthday. Dad's reply? "There aren't any in the area, though" Thought it was funny that he knew. Haha

Saturday, July 17th- I'm sitting in the church cafe, and I notice they started construction for the new addition to the building. The patio is gone! :D

Sunday, July 18th- We're on our way home from shopping and we saw this on the side of the road. A groundhog, standing up while eating an apple. It was the cutest thing!

Monday, July 19th- Living room renovations! I come home from work to find a lot of extra people in my house, carpet gone, and furniture moved around. I think it looks much better! Bigger tv and surround sound, too!

Until next week!

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