Monday, July 12, 2010

*phew* I think I'm caught up?

Oh man. This past week was... crazy. I might be making this a weekly deal, instead of daily. I've noticed it's hard for me to concentrate and sit down nightly and post my daily pictures. Soooo, I believe I'll start posting all my pictures on Sunday nights :) Anyways! To start off where I left off last week ;)
So, it's Saturday night, July 3rd, and our 19north crew is at Eat'n'Park. Bri brought her friendly-friend ( ;] ) I can't take credit for taking this photo, but I was sitting right next to the person who did, and I claimed this as my "photo" for the day. :) Brianne likes to play with her hair. And make funny faces. Justin... well... He has no hair at all. Haha

So, TECHNICALLY this is from the same event. BUT! It was way after midnight, so then it counts as the next day, thus my picture! :D
There's annual "dance party" with Brianne or Brittany's car radios out in the parking lots, either at the church or Eat'n'park. (We were at EnP for this one.) I believe in this picture, the girls were dancing to Alejandro by Lady Gaga.

It's Monday, July 5th, and I'm at the drive-in!! A family friend of ours invited me to go with her and her two kids to see Toy Story 3 and Grown Ups. Both were really good! Toy Story 3 made me cry, and Grown Ups was super funny and made me feel better after crying! Haha! I had a blast :D

Tuesday, July 6th and it's movie week for me! I went to see The Last Airbender (really good, actually) with Brianne, Shubert (Josh) and Fran. We went to Starbucks after the movie, and we were hanging out in the grass out front of the store (pictured here). The girls started picking grass and making a grass pile (we tried to be little kids again and pretended we were making soup xD ) Bri is modeling our culinary expertise :)

Wednesday, July 7th. Baby birds!!! These cute little guys (or gals) are right outside my old bedroom window at my grandparents. Adorable!!!

(...I forgot to take a picture for Thursday, so there is an extra picture in Saturdays to make up :))

Friday, July 9th. So... it was storming. There was thunder. There was lightning. Lots and lots of lightning. And guess what? One of Zeus' bolts struck the neighbors tree. The tree fall down and go boom. And took all our power out with it. Thankfully the electric company finally came out and got our power back on (6 hours later...) and I was able to charge my phone that night before work the next morning!

Saturday, July 10th. Kate and I are driving to WalMart and we see this flying around in the skies of Cranberry. Took us forever to figure out what it said (Stupid Erie Insurance... I was hoping it was the Geico stack of money...) (Or at least the suicide hotline from Get Smart...) Darn... I still got really excited. These things remind me of our vacations at the beach :)

Saturday, July 10th #2! Bri and Kate both expressed their love for me at 19north. Bri wrote on my hand, and Kate gave me her gum. I love my BFF's! They keep me insane :)

Sunday, July 11th. This is my computer. My newly changed password computer. Changed to a password that NO ONE! will ever guess! I. Am. Awesome.

Today, Monday July 12th. For some reason, my dad has been receiving InStyle magazine for the past few months... and... We don't know why. How odd, right? Well. It's funny, for one. For two, I get some good reads every month AND good crafty ideas, too!

And this sums up my week in photos! :)
OH! And guess what! Today is 3 weeks since Michael left for deployment. Which means we're almost 1 month in! Which means we've got only 11 more to go!! TIME'S ACTUALLY MOVING!!!!! WAHOOO!

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